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Safe and Sound: Best Places to Position Your Toddler and Newborn in Your Car

Where To Put Toddler And Newborn In Car

Find out the best and safest places to put your toddler and newborn in the car for a stress-free ride. Learn more here!

When it comes to traveling with a toddler and a newborn, one of the biggest challenges parents face is figuring out where to put them in the car. Without proper planning, it can be a daunting task that poses several safety risks. However, with a little bit of guidance and some helpful tips, you can ensure that your little ones are secure and comfortable throughout the journey. One important factor to consider is the type of car seats you will use for each child, as well as their positioning in the vehicle. Additionally, you'll want to think about how to keep both kids entertained and happy during the ride. In this article, we'll explore some practical strategies and suggestions to help you navigate this tricky situation with ease.


When it comes to travelling with a toddler and a newborn, safety should always be the top priority. Choosing where to put them in the car is crucial to ensure their safety. This article discusses some of the best practices for positioning your children in a vehicle.

The Importance of Car Seat Safety

Car seat safety is critical for all passengers, but it is even more critical for infants and young children. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, car accidents are one of the leading causes of death among children under the age of 14. In addition, it is estimated that up to 80% of car seats are installed incorrectly, which significantly increases the risk of injury or death during an accident. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the car seats are installed correctly and that the child is positioned in a way that maximizes safety.

The Best Position for a Newborn

The best position for a newborn is in a rear-facing car seat in the back seat of the car. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants remain in a rear-facing car seat until they are at least two years old or until they reach the highest weight or height allowed by the car seat manufacturer. Rear-facing car seats provide the most protection for a baby's head, neck, and spine in the event of a crash. It is also important to make sure that the car seat is installed correctly and that the harness is snugly secured around the baby.

The Best Position for a Toddler

Once a child outgrows a rear-facing car seat, they should be placed in a forward-facing car seat with a five-point harness in the back seat of the car. The harness should be adjusted so that it is snugly secured around the child's chest. Children should remain in a forward-facing car seat until they reach the highest weight or height allowed by the car seat manufacturer. After a child outgrows a forward-facing car seat, they should be placed in a booster seat until they are tall enough to sit in the car's seat with the seatbelt properly secured.

Positioning Multiple Car Seats in the Car

When positioning multiple car seats in the car, it is essential to consider the following:

  • The size and shape of the car seats
  • The age and size of the children
  • The location of the seat belts in the car

It is generally recommended that the youngest child be placed in the middle of the back seat. This provides the most protection in the event of a side-impact collision. If this is not possible, the infant should be placed behind the passenger seat, and the toddler should be placed behind the driver's seat.

Additional Safety Tips

In addition to positioning the car seats correctly, there are several other safety tips that parents should follow when travelling with children:

  • Never leave a child alone in a car
  • Always make sure that the child is securely fastened into the car seat
  • Avoid bulky clothing or blankets that could interfere with the harness
  • Ensure that the car seat is installed correctly
  • Regularly check the car seat for any signs of wear or damage


Choosing where to put a toddler and newborn in a car is crucial for their safety. It is essential to follow the best practices for car seat safety and to take additional safety precautions when travelling with children. By following these guidelines, parents can help ensure that their children are protected in the event of an accident.

Where To Put Toddler And Newborn In Car


In today's fast-paced world, families are always on the go, and with the arrival of a new baby, there arise precautions to be taken when it comes to traveling with a toddler and a newborn in the car.

Car seat safety for newborns

Newborn babies require a specialized car seat designed to support their delicate neck and spine. It is always recommended to install the seat rear-facing in the back seat of the car. This position offers better protection against head and neck injuries in case of a collision. Parents should ensure that the car seat is installed correctly, and they should never place the car seat in the front passenger seat, as it can be dangerous if an airbag deploys.

Choosing the right car seat for toddlers

When it comes to toddlers, parents should opt for a convertible car seat that can be adjusted as the child grows. It should be installed in the back seat, facing forward, and secured correctly with the seat belt. Parents should also make sure that the car seat meets the height and weight requirements of their child.

Rear-facing vs forward-facing car seats

It is always recommended for newborns and young toddlers to be in rear-facing car seats as they offer better protection for the head and spine. As children grow and reach the recommended height and weight limit, they can be shifted to forward-facing seats. However, parents should ensure that their child is at least two years old before turning their car seat to face forward.

Installing car seats correctly

Correctly installing the car seat is crucial for the safety of the child. Parents should follow the instructions provided with the seat or consult with a certified technician to ensure proper installation. They should also make sure that the seat is tightly secured and does not move more than an inch in any direction.

Placement of car seats in the car

When placing the car seats, parents should always opt for the back seat as the safest placement. The newborn should always be in the middle position with the toddler's seat beside it. This positioning reduces the risk of injury in case of a side-impact collision. Parents should also make sure that the car seats do not interfere with each other.

Keeping children entertained during car rides

Long car trips can be a challenge for parents with young children. Parents can keep toddlers entertained by providing snacks, toys, and books. They can also play games such as I Spy or sing songs to keep their child engaged. However, parents should avoid using electronic devices as they can be distracting and potentially harmful.

Potty-training during car rides

The potty-training period can be a challenging time for parents, especially during car rides. Parents should plan frequent stops to allow the child to use the restroom and bring along extra clothes and wet wipes. They should also consider using a portable potty or a diaper for emergencies.

Overcoming car sickness

For children who suffer from car sickness, parents should ensure that the windows are rolled down and encourage the child to look outside. They can also offer anti-nausea medication prescribed by a pediatrician. Parents should also avoid serving heavy meals before the trip and opt for light snacks instead.


Travelling with a toddler and newborn in the car requires extra precautions to be taken to ensure their safety. Parents should always opt for the latest safety measures and guidelines, correctly install car seats, and keep their children entertained during the journey. By following these tips, parents can have a safe and enjoyable ride with their little ones.

As a parent, one of the most important things to consider when traveling with your children is their safety. This is especially true when it comes to transporting them in a car. When you have a toddler and a newborn, it can be challenging to figure out where to put them in the car.

Here are some points to consider:

  1. Car seat safety guidelines - Before making any decisions, it's essential to understand the car seat safety guidelines for your state or country. These guidelines will provide you with information on the type of car seat required for your child's age and weight, as well as where to place the car seat in the car.
  2. Infant car seat - For your newborn, you'll need an infant car seat. These car seats are designed for infants up to 35 pounds and should be placed in the back seat of the car. The car seat should be installed facing the rear of the car.
  3. Convertible car seat - For your toddler, you'll need a convertible car seat. These car seats can be used for both infants and toddlers and can be installed facing the rear or forward of the car. If your toddler is under two years old, it's recommended that you keep them facing the rear of the car.
  4. Location of car seats - Depending on the size of your car, you may need to get creative with the location of the car seats. The general rule is to keep the car seats as far away from the airbags as possible. If you have a small car, you may need to place the toddler's car seat in the front seat, but only if the airbag has been turned off.
  5. Order of car seats - It's recommended that you place the infant car seat in the middle of the back seat and the toddler's car seat on one side. This will provide both children with the most protection in the event of an accident.

Overall, when it comes to where to put a toddler and newborn in a car, safety should be your top priority. Make sure you understand the car seat safety guidelines for your state or country and choose car seats that are appropriate for your child's age and weight. With a little planning and creativity, you can ensure that both your toddler and newborn are safe and secure during car rides.

In conclusion, finding the right place to put your toddler and newborn in a car can be a challenging task for any parent. However, with the right guidance and knowledge, you can easily make the process less stressful and more manageable. Remember that safety is paramount when it comes to traveling with your little ones, and you should always ensure that they are secure and comfortable throughout the journey.

When placing your newborn in a car, always use a rear-facing car seat, and position it in the back seat of the car. This will give your baby the best protection from any impact that may occur during an accident. For your toddler, you can either use a forward-facing car seat or a booster seat, depending on their age, weight, and height. Make sure that the seat is installed correctly and that your child is strapped in tightly before starting the journey.

Finally, it is essential to remember that every state has different laws regarding child safety seats, and you should familiarize yourself with these laws before traveling. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions when installing the car seats, and if you are unsure about anything, seek professional help. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your little ones enjoy a safe and comfortable ride, wherever your travels take you.

When it comes to traveling with a toddler and newborn in a car, parents often have questions about the best way to safely transport both children. Here are some common questions people ask about where to put toddler and newborn in the car:

  1. Where should I put my newborn in the car?

    The safest place for your newborn is in a rear-facing car seat in the back seat of the car. This ensures that your baby is protected from the force of a front-end collision and reduces the risk of injury or death.

  2. Where should I put my toddler in the car?

    Like your newborn, your toddler should also sit in the back seat of the car. However, depending on the age and size of your toddler, they may need to upgrade to a forward-facing car seat or booster seat. Check the manufacturer's guidelines to determine the appropriate size and type of car seat for your child.

  3. Should I put my toddler and newborn in the same row?

    No, it's best to place each child in their own row to avoid potential injuries from flying objects in the event of an accident. The safest configuration is to put your newborn in the middle of the back seat and your toddler in a car seat behind the driver's seat or front passenger seat.

  4. What if I have multiple children and not enough seats in the back?

    If you have more than two children and not enough seats in the back, you may consider using a third-row seat or installing a second row of seats. Additionally, some cars offer the option of a larger back seat that can accommodate multiple car seats.

Keeping your children safe while traveling is of utmost importance. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your toddler and newborn are properly secured in the car and reduce the risk of injury or death in the event of an accident.

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